About Andrea
We’re all here on our own individual journey, and all of us have to walk our own paths. Each of our journeys will look very different from one another’s, and that’s perfectly okay!
I’m sure you’ve heard things like “the answers, knowledge and wisdom you seek are within” and “you are your own greatest teacher” which is very true. I am here for you if you are seeking a little assistance. It is important especially in recent times more than ever to use your own discernment.
If you are curious to know what got me to where I am today, I’ll share my ever-evolving life story with you.
Growing up in rural Ontario, Canada, I always knew I was different from my peers. As a sensitive and emotional child, I know realise I was an empath, feeling and reacting to others’ energies. My spiritual awakening began with vivid dreams connecting me with departed loved ones, sparking an exploration of my ‘clair’ senses.
Seeking guidance, I consulted a psychic who offered to help me control my abilities. Despite attempts to suppress them, I continued to sense spirits and experience vivid dreams.
My 20's
I found myself drawn to the mystical world of tarot cards, pendulums, and the vast realm of esoteric knowledge. Delving into these practices, I started offering readings for friends and channeling messages that consistently left them astonished. This marked the beginning of my deep desire to serve others and share the wisdom and insights I had to offer.
My 30's
A move to Australia in 2010 triggered a profound awakening, intensifying my abilities. Despite pursuing various careers, I felt unfulfilled. Turning to energy work, I embarked on an even deeper journey of self-discovery and healing, which lead me to Sound Healing.
My health journey and discovery
Struggling with illness, I became a seeker of knowledge, exploring natural therapies and inner work. Realising the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, I discovered the power of managing and understanding energy. Sound healing played a significant role in my journey, inspiring me to integrate all of my abilities into various healing practices.
And now
Continuing to evolve, I offer guidance, deliver messages, and perform energy work to assist individuals on their spiritual journeys. As a psychic-medium and Reiki, Huna Master, Crystal Healing & Sound Healing Practitioner, I harness all of the knowledge and wisdom and facilitate healing and transformation to others.